Through go to debugging, found that right after running the main system, it'll get in touch with the creative \\ Xtras \\ FileXtra3.x32 file inside the WAWAYAYA directory (this file includes the detection disc code!), Open with hexadecimal editing computer software, search: 3D050000007507, and then adjust to: 3D050000009090, it is possible to remove the disc to verify following saving!
Attach the revised file, when you really need to download it.
Through go to debugging, found that right after running the main system, it'll get in touch with the creative \\ Xtras \\ FileXtra3.x32 file inside the WAWAYAYA directory (this file includes the detection disc code!), Open with hexadecimal editing computer software, search: 3D050000007507, and then adjust to: 3D050000009090, it is possible to remove the disc to verify following saving!